Friday, July 11, 2008


Synopsis: If someone hawks a loogie on you, don't worry about it...JUST DON'T EVER GO TO SLEEP AGAIN!!
Review: I can buy into sci-fi and somewhat outrageous plots, so my problem with this movie is aside from that. This movie introduces the "Random Russian" problem, which is the guy in the middle of the movie that introduces the central theme of the show but has absolutely no significance in the movie. Awkward.
And if you couldn't pick up the theme through the Random Russian accent, the movie has the balls to repeat it over and over and over and over again. Just when you think you got it and just before the closing credits, guess what? You get the Random Russian conversation replayed just before black. Are you serious?? I don't mind movies with agendas, just don't force feed me...I'm not that stupid.
Rating: 2.0 out of 10

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